Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I made it!

Alrighty. So after 22 hours of flying, I am here! Also, as of Paris, I have been on local time which is great! I woke up today on my own at 7:30am, which is pretty much the time I have been getting up all summer! We got into our hotel at 11pm local time, and I am just at breakfast now at the hotel (which is really good: coffee, OJ, fruit, granola, sausage). As for the plane rides, I watched 4 movies: Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Sex and the City, Cash and Smart People. From Paris to Joberg, a professional (?) soccer team was on the plane, which I ended up talking to because everyone was passed out pretty much besides these guys! Nabbi, from Guinea (sp) had pretty good English, although it was a mixed conversation in French. His buddy, less English, but we shared some music. They are going to email me with more information about the game they are playing here on the 7th, although I think my group will be out of Joberg by then. Pretty cool. Also, while we were in Paris I ordered food via francias. Super exciting! That airport was such a tease, and I cannot wait to actually go to Europe. Today we have rather touristy day with a city tour and a couple museums to go to. Anyway, I will check in again soon, but yah! First overseas experience, although terribly long, has been great so far. I hope I don't crash later, but I feel rather adjusted as of now. Ohh yah, AirFrance, such better plane food than the states, some of it was still a bit iffy, but worst case you had coffee and a mini baugette.

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