Friday, September 12, 2008

Port Elizabeth!

Alright, so to finish up Kruger, we went on a night safari ride again in the sweet jeeps, and then also had dinner in the park. Amazing. My clothes wreek of bonfire though. Its interesting, its a different smell, likely because of the different wood that was burned. Goodness, the things I notice. Anyway, we bussed back up from Kruger to Joberg (6 hours! ugckh), then caught a flight from Joberg to PE. It was a 2 hour flight which BREEZED by- especially since the last time I was on a plane in was a 10.5 hour flight (second leg of getting to SA). We arrived last night to our hotel, which is right across the street from the boardwalk and the Indian Ocean. We have a business visit in an hour, then the afternoon free, as well as ALL DAY TOMORROW! (Which I already have plans to get picked up at 8:30 and go 30k out of PE to go climbing.. SO STOKED!) This morning I went on a run with the tour guide with a few other people along the boardwalk and we caught the sunrise above the ocean horizon. It's so beautiful here!

Oh, and I broke my camera. How typical. No worries, we are going to have a photo sharing session when we get back though. And most importantly, the memory card is ok!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Bad..

So I am a bit delayed in this little update but I will try.

We went to Cradle of Humankind which is supposedly where mankind started. Very interesting, with amazing views! There was an interesting museum (think Seattle Science Center) even with a mini "ride" if you will (a raft thing that took you through the ages). Afterwards we continued on our way to Soweto--which stands for South West Township of Joberg-- which finally felt like a real touch of Africa. We stayed at Lebo's Backpackers (a hostel type of lodging) in a middle class area of the township, with a "park" across the street. I put park in quotes because it used to be a field of garbage that was cleaned up four years ago so the kids had somewhere to play. Soweto period was just an amazing place and I have so many good things to say about it. Life changing. I am going back. Guarenteed- its just a matter of when. Anyway-- the first day we played volleyball and soccer with the kids while others made bracelets with some. After dinner, a group of people from Kliptown performed a play, which was INCREDIBLE! That night we sat around the fire and got to know the locals that worked there. The following morning we toured the township and went into an informal settlement. The living standard was drastically lower. We will chat if you're interested--- we also were able to go to the orphanage (Noah's, ironically sponsored by Gold Reef City, where we went to just a couple days previously). Goodness, so many stories I can't write down for the sake of being brief. Afterwards, we had lunch and then went to Kliptown, a settlement for the poorest of the poor. Wow. Again we will have to chat- so much to say. In short, it was an emotionally draining day. I mean there was a tower that the government spend BILLIONS of rands on literally across the train tracks that does not benefit Kliptown at all, despite the name. Furthermore, ahh. Blah. Yah. Anyway, after going there we returned to Lebo's and had dinner and decided to stay up late with locals again chatting by the fire. Very memorable. The following morning we, unfortunately, had to leave, and miss Bogani's soccer game which was at the same time. On the way to Pretoria, we stopped at the Monte Bay Casino for lunch and the afternoon. Talk about a reality change. Supposedly it was a lot like Vegas (although I have not been to validate the comparison). It was ridiculous- especially coming from the townships. We arrived at our hotel, went out to dinner and I turned in early because of the 4 business trips that were planned for the following day. Not much to say about those. We were given tours of Massmart stores, and were given more information about how business is done in SA. Again, went back to the hotel, out to dinner, and packed to leave the uneventful Pretoria. In the morning we were on our way to Kruger, with a planned pitstop at Blythe River Canyon, the 3rd deepest in the world (although rated at the 1st greenest canyon). We were only supposed to be there an hour and a half, but then our bus broke down and we were there for several hours-- which I was really happy about because it was so beautiful. I hiked down a bit and just sat around taking it in. It was nice to get outdoors. When the new bus arrived, we finished our ride to Kruger and checked into our hotel (which is amazing btw). Our "room" is a hut with grass roofs. The following morning we went on a "game drive" as a large group. Afterwards, we hit up the pool, and I served as bartender at the pool bar for the evening. This morning I had a hike with a smaller group in which we were walked Kruger with rangers. Awesome!!! We saw 2 of the 300 wild dogs in the park (rarer than a lion), as well as several impalas, a giraffe, zebras, something I don't remember the name of, among many different birds and plants that were pointed out and described. SO SWEET!!! We even rode in one of those safari jeeps before we got to where we were hiking around. Anyway, now we are back at the hotel and I have finally had access to a computer and figured I'd update this. I know it was brief, but its pretty much a bullet list. Things are going really well and I can't believe that we are pretty much halfway through the trip. Eeek. --> which btw, there is a SA handshake for!!! (I love it!)

Thursday, September 4, 2008


After a a trip to GIBS a graduate business school, we went to First National Bank and walked into a massive conference room-- we felt so important! After a couple presentations we had lunch, and were even given a leather bound notebook thingy. Then we went to Gold Reef City and went into old MINES. So cool. It was such an interesting experience. It is also was an amusmant park- def went on some rollercoasters! I wish I could write more about it, but there is a huge line waiting for the computer, and I am getting to go out to dinner, then we are going out tonight! (Last night in Joburg! Tomorrow we are heading off to Soweto)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I made it!

Alrighty. So after 22 hours of flying, I am here! Also, as of Paris, I have been on local time which is great! I woke up today on my own at 7:30am, which is pretty much the time I have been getting up all summer! We got into our hotel at 11pm local time, and I am just at breakfast now at the hotel (which is really good: coffee, OJ, fruit, granola, sausage). As for the plane rides, I watched 4 movies: Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Sex and the City, Cash and Smart People. From Paris to Joberg, a professional (?) soccer team was on the plane, which I ended up talking to because everyone was passed out pretty much besides these guys! Nabbi, from Guinea (sp) had pretty good English, although it was a mixed conversation in French. His buddy, less English, but we shared some music. They are going to email me with more information about the game they are playing here on the 7th, although I think my group will be out of Joberg by then. Pretty cool. Also, while we were in Paris I ordered food via francias. Super exciting! That airport was such a tease, and I cannot wait to actually go to Europe. Today we have rather touristy day with a city tour and a couple museums to go to. Anyway, I will check in again soon, but yah! First overseas experience, although terribly long, has been great so far. I hope I don't crash later, but I feel rather adjusted as of now. Ohh yah, AirFrance, such better plane food than the states, some of it was still a bit iffy, but worst case you had coffee and a mini baugette.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Alright, so although I felt like a bum sitting outside of my new house-- with all my possesions, in addition to a few things that were not entirely mine-- for several hours yesterday--and playing monopoly with my brother on a futon that was free for the taking on the street-- my stuff is in storage at the new place! AND most importantly, I am leaving today! I don't know when I will be able to get to a computer but I am getting ready for 22.5 hours of traveling (1.5 of that will be a layover). Exciting times. It'll be worth it!

P.S. I went back to Stone Gardens and DID find my shoes!!! haha Good thing I double checked, I was tempted to get new ones of the same ones before leaving--(I really have been enjoying them!)