Saturday, August 30, 2008

Getting Organized

Ok, I don't know how to express myself because today has been a great day and I can't believe that I will be leaving in a day and a half! Also, Portage Bay Cafe breakfast is one of my favorites-- and it's always great to share it with good company :)! AND more importantly, I have everything packed (which I am really proud of myself!) for not only South Africa, but the HOUSE! I didn't make it to Bumbershoot, although I may head over towards the evening... we'll see!

South Africa Itinerary:
Johannesburg: City tour; Apartheid Museum; Lesedi Cultural Village; company visits
Soweto: Service projects (orphanage, and youth projects); visit Nelson Mandela's house and the Hector Pieterson museum
Pretoria: Company visits
Kruger: National Park; sunset/sunrise hike; see Blyde River Canyon
Port Elizabeth: company visit; go bungee jumping (highest in the world); Storms River; Garden Route; go climbing!
Cape Town: visit University of Cape Town; city tour; company visits; swim with great white sharks; visit Tall Horse Wine Farm; service project (help build a house); climbing!

Friday, August 29, 2008


Ok, so my schedule until departure:

TBD: Bumbershoot?
3pm: Move out of current house
6pm: Move [my packed possesions] into NEW house [although not into my room, but at least into the home]
11:30: Arrive at airport to go fly via AirFrance to Paris then to Joburg!

Today I have been so productive with packing up my house! (Well my room, really). It's a good thing I love to organize because unpacking this when I get back from South Africa two days before school starts might be a little hectic. Anyway, after spending the morning packing in order to move I remembered that my suitcase was at my parent's house... I called my mom and she even verified! (I didn't want to drive out for nothing). Turns out, she thought a different suitcase was mine, and my sister had taken the mine (aka the one I need). But of course she is at work, so now I have to procrastinate and do something. Dangit! Oh well, I will try this blogging thing! Packing btw- which I need to get back to, can be really difficult-especially kitchen stuff. It's fragile, and doesn't fit all together easily and well.

I will try and post something that has an itinerary for people that are interested in what I am doing, but I will also (hopefully) be able to update this as I am down there.

I am so excited!